Saints and Feasts, recipes marybeth bonfiglio Saints and Feasts, recipes marybeth bonfiglio

St. Lucy of Sight, of Light and Cuccia (recipe included!)

Lucy is a mysterious wonder of winter. What do her eyes really mean? In a culture where the evil eye is so prominent and wearing small eye amulets are common for protection, could she be a symbol of protection, a seer that predicts and wards away the evil? Or as the Goddess of Light, is she the one who enables us to “see” through the underworld of winter? To help us carry on with a new kind of “sight”? Or are her eyes a message to us to “stay awake, eyes open, watching” even in this season of hibernation? Or is she the bringer of  hope and the promise of grain? When we are starved of light, of fresh food, is she the carrier of sacred seeds that can be stored during the winter months? Is she the reminder to be grateful for abundance, that we have seed to soak and cook over the winter fire, slowly, filling our bellies until the season shifts and the soil is soft again, and the sun is re-born?

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