AMARO DEI MORTI | An amaro workshop + spell for the dead.

The Autumn Equinox is a perfect time to craft a new seasonal amaro, filled with roots to fruits, in honor of the dead, and offering to the dead, ready to enjoy on U juornu rii muorti (the day of the dead).

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Let’s make amaro of the dead together!

Our ancestors had a wisdom around gut health without even having the “modern science” that we have around gut health.

They tended to their guts with many medicinal foods and plants, but one of the consistent types of flavors that they used was “amari” or bitters.

In this Amaro making workshop we are going to focus on the roots of our ancestors — what are they? What bitter roots is your holy dead wishing for? What are their stories contained in the roots of the earth? What autumn roots will tend to your gut, tend to your ancestral guts? And we will also offer The Holy them fruits: late summer/ early fall harvest brings some of the most beautiful fruits (pomegranates, figs, cranberries, hawthorn berries, grapes, persimmons….). Also considering what plants are growing out your back door, ready to become gut medicine?

This Amaro dei Morti is a spell for your holy body, your ancestral body. Your body is the altar that this amaro will be offered to once strained just in time for (in Sicilian) U juornu rii muorti. This spell will be for fortification for the Fall season, an offering to the dead to move through our bodies this season of death, and an invocation of celebration to be alive, truly a gift from the dead. This amaro will be a tool, a talisman, a bittersweet amulet as we all travel together collective this season into the Underworld, the Chthonic realm.

I knew I loved drinking Amari, but I didn’t know how to make them or that they could be made intuitively or that I’d love making them so much. I feel that MaryBeth opened up a portal for me, to my intuition and to my ancestors. Taking her class was just what I needed to become confident enough to make make Amaro blends on my own regularly.
— Gemma Fanelli, owner of Nonnina PDX

In this multi-part (PDF, VIDEOS, CONTENT) experience you’ll receive:

  • extensive wisdom on amaro, historically and spirit- speaking

  • ingredients list in PDF that supports using fall roots and fruits, as well as honoring the roots and fruits of your own beloved dead.

  • tools and process instructions in PDF + and space to record your recipe and spell

  • 4 pre-recorded storytelling and instructional videos on how to prepare for your amaro, guidance on how to choose and connect with the plant spirits you will be using to make your amaro, and in-depth conversation about the connection between our guts, the dead, bitter roots, and crafting an individual and collective spell involved in making this amaro.

  • You will be invited to journey with your ancestors to inquire within about what ingredients will honor them and you for this amaro.

  • In the end, you’ll have an amazing amaro, made by you, with the help of our ancestors and the fierce and generous plants, that will tend to your gut, your dead, your prayers —all Autumn long.

Once you register, you will receive a welcome email

you will receive access to the ingredient and informational PDF and access to all the instructional videos.

We will make space for intentions, questions, stories and of course making our amaro in the way you want it to taste.

In this short, accessible, but potent amaro series we will go true and deep into beautiful folk animist making for the dead, from the dead, we will practice that remembering our bodies are the temples for our us, for our dead. We will remember the delicious and sacred roots, fruits and plants available for us this holy season are living and sentient — and that offering and infusing them is a profound and joyful practice to support our beingness and connection for a darkening, dying, falling, resting time of year.

REGISTRATION is ongoing. You can get this series anytime you want.

AMARO DEI MORTI :: the making, the infusing, the straining and the final amaro is the perfect companion as we journey together into the Underworld.